On Saturday, me and my fellow Hokie Bex decided to have an adventure. And by adventure, I mean it started out because I was on a bit of a sugar high (
Fairy Bread will do that to you). And I was doing my classic ninja fighting poses.

This is my classic "boxing" fighting pose. I've never lost a match. Granted I've never actually fought one, but it sounds better if you say "I've never lost a match." Makes you seem more fierce haha..
Anyway, my (amazing) fighting poses then transformed into a fashion shoot!! haha.. Yes, that's right. Bex and I pooled our clothes and then took random pictures of us being fashion models. Or at least trying.. Here, see?

Look.. I have reallllly long legs haha (and look at the calf muscles! they're stilll there!)

And so does Bex! haha...

And then this pose happened.. Yeah.. I thought it was pretty model-tastic as well :]

oh yeah... look at that leg muscle.. haha..
...there's just too much muscle there...

And then i died from too much fashion...
(see even there, you can see some kind of ligament thing in the back of my leg..)

And then we went for a walk.. and I decided to dance with the light pole (think "I'm singing in the rain" minus the rain and the singing bit). But, after the light pole, we met..... (dot dot dot)

PAOLO!!! He's a Kookabura. Yes. I named an Australian animal Paolo. There's nothing wrong with that. He seemed to enjoy his name. I actually stood there and said "Hello Paolo, it's nice to meet you." And he didn't fly away or squawk at me. So I'm pretty sure his actual name is Paolo...
And then we got eaten by the mozzies here. So we went back to 830 and had some dinners :]
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