my adventures down under... me to the moon
let me play among the stars...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Graffiti Night

Graffiti Night was held at one of the local bars called Finnegan's. You may be asking yourself, what's Graffiti Night? For those familiar with a Highliter Party, it's quite similar to that.

The requirements for the night were a white shirt and texters (sharpies). The whole point of the night was to use the texters to write on other people's white shirts something witty or funny or anything really. I used the line "kim possible was here" a couple of times. I thought it was funny.. Unlike a highliter party, there were no black lights as it was at a bar.

Most people started the night off drinking and pre-writing on everyone's shirt in 830 (my unit). I was not one of the ones drinking, in case you were wondering. I just went around writing on people's shirts and laughing at the drunk people. There were heaps of drunk people actually.. it provided with a lot of entertainment :]

The beginning of the night was really fun because IH had rented out the upper part of Finnegans so the public wasn't allowed in. We even had intercollege awards to hand out. These were like: "cleanest unit," "party unit," "dirtiest unit," "mrs. IH," Mr. IH," etc. They were actually pretty funny. After the awards were handed out we got to go back to dancing. Which was heaps of fun :] Dancing with drunk people is a lot of fun because they don't judge you based on your dance moves. Which is good, because as we all know, I have killer dance moves. (Hint: that was sarcasm...)

However, after about 10:00/10:30 they began letting the public in, and then it just became really creepy.. Bex and I left after the general public got too creepy.. Middle aged men trying to dance with teenage girls is just not something that should be allowed...

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