my adventures down under... me to the moon
let me play among the stars...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Graffiti Night

Graffiti Night was held at one of the local bars called Finnegan's. You may be asking yourself, what's Graffiti Night? For those familiar with a Highliter Party, it's quite similar to that.

The requirements for the night were a white shirt and texters (sharpies). The whole point of the night was to use the texters to write on other people's white shirts something witty or funny or anything really. I used the line "kim possible was here" a couple of times. I thought it was funny.. Unlike a highliter party, there were no black lights as it was at a bar.

Most people started the night off drinking and pre-writing on everyone's shirt in 830 (my unit). I was not one of the ones drinking, in case you were wondering. I just went around writing on people's shirts and laughing at the drunk people. There were heaps of drunk people actually.. it provided with a lot of entertainment :]

The beginning of the night was really fun because IH had rented out the upper part of Finnegans so the public wasn't allowed in. We even had intercollege awards to hand out. These were like: "cleanest unit," "party unit," "dirtiest unit," "mrs. IH," Mr. IH," etc. They were actually pretty funny. After the awards were handed out we got to go back to dancing. Which was heaps of fun :] Dancing with drunk people is a lot of fun because they don't judge you based on your dance moves. Which is good, because as we all know, I have killer dance moves. (Hint: that was sarcasm...)

However, after about 10:00/10:30 they began letting the public in, and then it just became really creepy.. Bex and I left after the general public got too creepy.. Middle aged men trying to dance with teenage girls is just not something that should be allowed...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Karla's Plans for This Year & Future Years


June26: return to Blacksburg :]
July1 - July8: visit Ashley in Palm Beach with Chris
July24 - July25: visit Alex and Jon in Charlottesville
August6 - August7: Steppin' Out
September1: Register for GRE's
September25: Big Lick Triathlon relay with Padre and lil bro
October13: Turn 21
October23: Take the GRE's
October31: Marine Corps Marathon with lil bro
December27 - January17: visit Australia (with Ashley and co?)


March: Apply for 2nd semester abroad
May29: Ride Mountains of Misery with Madre... again (ouch)
June - July: Internship
June12: 4.4 Mile Bay Swim with Alex
July25 - November23: Study abroad (again) at University of Newcastle

May17: Graduate from VirginiaTech
June4 - August23: travel in NewZealand/Australia with Alex and co.

Bex's 21'st

Thursday (May 20) was my friend Bex's 21st birthday so we celebrated by going on Wednesday night. Although the night started out really fun, I quickly lost all enthusiasm for going out.

We started off by getting ready in my unit and just hanging around talking. There were heaps of people up here. People I knew, and people I didn't know. Bex's mom had ordered her a cake so we got to put candles in and turn off the lights and sing to her. That was fun. And the cake was really good too. It was chocolate, with chocolate icing, and a white chocolate raspberry filling. It was good cake.

After cake, it was time to catch the 10:10pm bus into town. Only there were too many people trying to get on the bus, so my group of friends decided to take the train. Only, the problem with that idea was that there was no train that night because of track maintenance. So we went to the other side of the tracks (farthest from uni) to wait for the special bus to pick us up and bring us into town. We waited like 15 min for this bus. After it came it dropped us off not in town, but at another bus stop.

We then waited another 25-30 min to catch the other bus into town. Me and Clint were just about to leave and walk back to uni (it wasn't a very far walk) when the bus finally decided to show up. When we finally got into town, we had to wait in the line to get into the bar. My friend had to get money out of the cash machine so we then had to wait in that line. Bex wanted a drink so we then had to wait behind the bar for her to get a drink.

When we finally got to the dance floor my feet kept getting stepped on and I kept getting pushed and I was just not having the best time ever. Earlier in the night I had stepped on a piece of glass and I had a little cut in the bottom of my foot. And this was the foot that people kept stepping on. I was not a happy camper.

Me and my friend Clint decided that we wanted to peace out, so we found Bex, informed her that we were leaving, wished her a very happy birthday and then walked out and caught a taxi home. The taxi driver was a bit odd though. He apparently knew where IH was, but he drove us to the opposite end of the parking lot and dropped us off. It took us like an additional 8 min to walk back to our unit. We got back at like 1:00am and chilled in the kitchen for a bit before heading to bed.

My enthusiasm for the night dropped rather quickly. But Bex had fun, she stayed at the bar after me and Clint left and I don't know what she did. But she got back safely, she texted me when she got back to her unit. I went back and ate some Ramen, cleaned my room a bit and then went to sleep. It was a good sleep too. That was my Wednesday night. I woke up at 8:00am the next morning and went to my 9:00am class.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A whole lotta nothing

^My 830 Family :]
Left to right: Chan (front), Kylie, Jock, Jarrod (back), Josh

I haven't done much lately.. Seriously. I've basically done a whole lotta nothing.

I went to Baskin Robbins last night. It was yummy. I got a scoop of mint chocolate chip with hot fudge on top. Mmmm... soo good :]

I went out last Wednesday for a friends 21st birthday. It was pretty cool. We went to a place called Bar 121. They have $3.50 cocktails on Wednesday nights. Apparently that's really cheap. They had some really cool cocktails though. There was one called Airplane Jelly, and one called Tutti Frutti or something like that.

And we danced on the dance floor for a couple of hours. I met Josh Hartnett's look-a-like. He was pretty cool. He danced with us. He was a friend of Bex's friend. Bad explanation. He was friends with Bex's friend Fitzy. There, better explanation. The kid's name is actually Bryce, but every time I mention him I call him Josh, and then I have to remember that people don't understand what's going on in my head so I then I have to explain again. It's complicated haha. But yeah, Josh (aka Bryce) and Fitzy drove me and Bex home after everyone left Bar 121 for another bar called Cranker. They were really nice about it to. And don't worry!! Josh (aka Bryce) hadn't been drinking so he was okay to drive.

And yeah, that's about the interesting thing that's been going on here.

More updates later..... perhaps